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Writer's pictureFostering Christmas Team

Business To Business: Creating Bigger Impacts Together

Updated: Aug 23, 2022

Headshot of Jon Osterburg of Jitasa
Empower Your Employees To Give Back

At Fostering Christmas, we have the honor of partnering with people from all backgrounds. Our list of sponsors and partners includes entrepreneurs, business leaders, teachers, accountants, writers, medical professionals, families, and many others. We are in constant awe of the ways partnering together can create a strong community.

The founding of our organization is also rooted in the founding of Newsletter Pro, our content marketing company based in Boise, Idaho. So, we are always encouraged when another business takes up our cause. Every partnership we cultivate is valuable, but these connections have a special place in all our hearts.

That’s because by doing so, we become a stronger community. We have also seen the ways this relationship benefits everyone. The children we represent are given powerful reminders of love and support. In turn, the businesses whose employees sponsor or donate to our cause build a strong network of giving back.

That can be a powerful tool. According to a recent study by Deloitte, promoting volunteerism in your business can have immense benefits for employees. The group surveyed 1,000 workers and found something all businesses should consider. Nearly 90% of all respondents believed organizations that sponsor volunteer opportunities were better working environments than those that didn’t.

The benefits of Fostering Christmas for the families and children we serve cannot be overstated. But, as Deloitte found, it’s hard to ignore the tremendous impact this kind of service can have. The partnership also positively affects the businesses and sponsors we work with each year.

One of the greatest examples of this mutually beneficial business partnership can be seen with Jitasa’s involvement. Founded as Easy Office in 2006, Jitasa has grown into a global network of accounting professionals. They provide top-level bookkeeping and accounting services to nonprofits across the world. Without Jitasa, many organizations may not have access to this knowledge due to the costs of an on-site accountant.

Given their client base, it should come as no surprise that a major part of Jitasa’s business culture involves giving.

“That goes back to [our] culture and core values,” says Jon Osterburg, Jitasa’s vice president of sales and marketing. “One of our core values is ‘serve all.’ I think you can see that in our spirit of serving others.” (Jitasa means “the spirit of serving others.”)

Jitasa employees have sponsored children and donated to Fostering Christmas for the past 2 years. In addition to their work with our organization, Osterburg explains that Jitasa employees regularly participate in giving. They host food and clothing drives, participate in cleanup activities, and volunteer with local groups, such as the Idaho Shakespeare Festival. In every activity or event they participate in, Osterburg explains that they fulfill the mission Jitasa wants its employees to embody.

Fostering Christmas is a natural fit for Jitasa employees and our business, Osterburg adds. Its very founding plays into Jitasa’s belief that service to others shouldn’t discriminate.

Fostering Christmas was founded in 2014 when Newsletter Pro CEO Shaun Buck learned a sad fact. Children who enter the foster care system after Thanksgiving are traditionally left off community Christmas wish lists. So, Buck vowed to make sure no foster child in Canyon County would go without a present on Christmas. He kept his promise, and Fostering Christmas was born.

“I think the nonprofit sector does a great job of identifying the gaps in terms of people who need help, and it’s a great example of a gap,” Osterburg says. “Somebody thought of those people and came up with a great idea to help them. It’s just the goodness of that action, which embodies that action that Jitasa believes in.”

With the help of foster children comes improvement for Jitasa employees, Osterburg believes. He stresses the importance of finding and encouraging proper work-life balance within the business. It could also be a crucial factor for employers seeking the right staff for open positions. Finding someone who is passionate about their community and life outside of work is worth the effort. It can translate into employees who are committed and focused when they are at work. That’s a benefit businesses can’t afford to lose out on.

This year, Jitasa employees are once again getting involved with Fostering Christmas, either through sponsorships or donations. It’s not surprising to Osterburg. After 11 years with the business, he has found that Jitasa employees’ work outside their daily tasks speaks volumes for the company.

“We want to serve people who do good,” Osterburg says.

And we’re happy to help.

If you’re a business leader or employee who would like to learn more about how your company can get involved with Fostering Christmas, you can learn more by clicking here.

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